10个理由——为何IBDP是進入頂尖大學的最理想准备 IBDP ideal preparation for university
发布时间:2019-08-06 14:02:37 作者:未知
10 reasons why the IB Diploma Programme (DP) is ideal preparation for university
1, It increases academic opportunity IB增加了學術(進修)的機會
Research shows that DP graduates are much More likely to be enrolled at top higher Education institutions than entrants.研究證明,頂級高等教育學府更傾向錄取IBDP的畢業生。
2, IB students care about more than just results IB學生注重的遠不止是成績
Through creativity, action, service (CAS) you learn outside the classroom and develop motionally and ethically as well as intellectually.通过課外的创意,行动,服务(CAS)項目,學生在情商、道德和智力上獲得發展。
3,It encourages you to become a confident and independent learner IB鼓励學生成为自信而独立的學習者
For example, the extended essay requires independent research through an in-depth study.例如,拓展性論文(4000字)要求學生深入學習,達致獨立研習能力。
4, It is an international qualification國際性的學歷
The DP is recognized globally by universities and employers.IB受到全球各所大學和僱主的認可。
5,Graduates are Globally minded.畢業生擁有全球思維
Language classes encourage an international mindset,key for increasingly globalized societies.多種語言課程鼓勵學生建立國際觀,這也是日益全球化之社會的關鍵。
6, The IB encourages critical thinking IB鼓勵批判性思維。
Learn how to analyse and evaluate issues, generate ideas and consider new perspectives.學習如何分析和评估社會问题,形成想法和考虑新观点。
7, DP students have proven time management skills.DP學生證明了其時間管理技能。
Take good study habits and strong time management to further education and the working world.學生把良好的學習習慣和時間管理技能,帶到日後學習和工作中去。
8, It assesses more than examination techniques評估學生的遠不是應試技能
Learn to understand, not just memorize facts or topics and prepare for exams.通過理解,而不仅是死記硬背事实或話題以應付考试。
9,Subjects are not taught in isolation不是孤立地教授各個學科
Theory of knowledge (TOK) classes encourage you to make connections between subjects.知识理論課(TOK)促使你把各個學科內容建立起聯繫。
10, It encourages breadth and depth of learning 鼓勵既有廣度,又有深度的學習
You are able to choose courses from six subject groups and study.學生可從六個學科中選課學習。
上一篇:IBMYP国际文凭中学项目介绍(Part 2)——Assessment评估